end times

Gog and Magog against the apple of God’s eye (Jerusalem)

READ Zechariah 12, and know that the Bible prophecy about Jerusalem and other nations against it in this last days is already at hand.

READ: 2 Chronicles 6:6

God said, “But I have chosen Jerusalem, that My name might be there; and have chosen David to be over my people Israel.”

end times

My Visit to Heaven


I’m sharing this video testimony of Apostle Pierre Ngnangock about his heaven experience and warnings for churches in this last days. I’m so blessed by this. Hope you’ll check this out.

To God be the glory!

book review

Joshua 1:8

In the workplace, my workmate once asked me as she saw me studying the bible with my notes, “Have you completed reading the whole bible?” I was reluctant to answer, yet instead said, “Yes, it’s important to read it every day.”

Then I pondered, there are days when I read the bible not because I’m hungry or thirsty of God’s Word but because I’m afraid of God. Like, if I would not read His Word, I might displease Him. I realized by thinking like this, I’m becoming religious.

Today, while I was reviewing my notes, I happened to read Joshua 1:8,

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe t do according to all that is written in it. For then, you will make your way prosperous, and then will have a good success.”

While I’m meditating on this verse, a memory from the past resurface of how I first time read the Word of God due to hunger and thirst of God…that as a result I was able to complete the whole bible for more or less two weeks. And, I experienced Jesus, met Him, gave my life to Him and baptized by the Holy Spirit by just reading the Word of God.

I was humbled when in those times of dark moments, of depression, frustration, brokenness and I was seeking God, He rescued me. He used someone, from long distance, who phoned to encourage me to start reading the bible cover to cover—which had changed my life drastically.

If I could look back on those dark chapters of my life—me as with no direction, no purpose in life, without joy though got the luxuries of life. . .like “What is it for man if he gains the whole world yet losses his soul?”, it brings assurance to me that my GOD watches us. Unlike earthly fathers who may abandon their children, God, our Heavenly Father, would never forsake us.

Those dark moments were also the times when I was so eager to find Christ, to know Him and to have a relationship with Him. It was so good to reminisce when Jesus was present at every storm of your life, that He became the light when the world gets dark, and darker…yet He is more real. His presence was more real than the things around you. That you can’t think of anything but Him. That your focus was on Jesus because you were madly in love with Him.

However, how about now? Everything is smooth. How’s my love to Him? I’m checking my heartbeat. I believe He is giving me rest. I run here and there, trying to do, do and do, and forgot that He wants me to be, be and be.


PRAYER: Lord Jesus, create in me a pure heart. Renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Forgive me in times I neglect Your voice.

Forgive me in times I try to control my situations.

Forgive me in times I do my own thing without asking your help or guidance.

Forgive me in times I worry, forgetting that worry is a sin—thus doubting that you are ABLE, GREAT, MIGHTY TO SAVE.

Forgive me in times I’m impatient, thus manipulating Your timing.

I realize that waiting benefits us so much! That is cleans, purifies, purges, renews, strengthens and transforms us to be like You. Thank you Lord Jesus for your great LOVE.


cross Devotion Pastors' Corner

When You Feel Nobody Is Beside You

Just sharing this beautiful thoughts from Rick Warren…
1. It’s easy to fill a schedule than to fulfill it.

2. To grow, I must say “No”.

3. If you try to run somebody else’s race, you’ll gonna fail, you’re going to lose, you’re not going to make it to the finish line, you’ll gonna get tired and give up. Because God doesn’t give you the strength to run other people’s race, you are to run the race God meant for you to run.

4. You have to stop caring about the approval of others nor living for their approval. You got to be who God made you to be.

5. We must focus on Jesus, not on our circumstances. You must not look at your problem, you got to look at the problem-solver

6. Don’t look at yourself as a victim, you got to look at the Victor (Jesus).

7.If you look at Christ, you’ll be at rest.

READ: Jonah 2:7 “When I’d lose all hope, I once again turn my thoughts to the Lord.”

Devotion dreams and visions

Flying with my father…


Today, I woke up in the morning from a dream.
Here is my dream: I and my dad were together somewhere. Suddenly, there was a former acquaintance of him who approached us, asking my dad’s whatabouts. When he knew that my dad is in the right course, (in the right path) he tried to tempt my dad to do bad things.

I overheard it so I was mad and interrupted at their conversation. I corrected my dad and told him, “You are what you say, don’t declare negative things about yourself. I cancel what you say, you have just agreed with him and the devil.” So I let him repeat after me, I declare good things..and urge him to agree with me. Then I disputed with his former acquaintance.

Soon, we won. That man started to look like evil since he didn’t win over my dad. Instantly, five men were approaching towards us which we knew was his team and right then we had the knowledge (from God) that they’re going to harm us.

So, I prayed to God outrageously to be our aid as I saw some of them picking stones. ‘Lord help us!’
And right then, in an instant, there was a blowing wind from the north approaching us, and our foot levitate from the ground and the next thing I knew was we’re literally flying…up on high, above the ground…our speed was overwhelming like jet-planes!

REACT: Our God is our banner! He is our Jehovah Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts! He aids us against our enemies! Glory to God!

This dream tells us that we have role / responsibilities to our relatives/ loved ones especially to our immediate family. If we see that some of our family member are falling away, should we be not available to bring them back to God, or encourage them to continue fighting the good fight of faith., thus saving them from the pit!

READ: Psalms 91; Psalms 18; Psalms 59

This week, I have had  a lot of struggles and frustrations. Every night before I go to bed, I read God’s Word. I was directed to this passage and was revived by His words!