churches Discipleship end times

How much time do you spend on social media?

churches Pastors' Corner

Life is short by Billy Graham

end times faith

Where’s the safest place in the world?

A captured Hamas terrorist said, “We knew about the outdoors party (in Israel) and arrived there intentionally!”

Similarly, I remembered on March 16, 1996 where the Ozone Layer disco in Quezon city killed 162 people from fire.

I was still 9 years old when I saw that news, but it created fear in me not to go to crowded places especially in clubs or pubs.

However, in 2012, I started to learn drinking and partying in clubs/disco house/pubs where most young people my age lose control coz of drunkenness.

One time I heard a very clear male voice, “Jenny, why are you in this place? What are you doing here?”

The voice was sad, concerned and reprimanding. I turned around to see who was that, … no one…

Then, I realized it was the Lord God Himself talking to me. That’s the first time I heard God’s voice audibly which created a holy fear in me.

After that, I trembled (cried deep inside) and promised to myself never to be prodigal daughter anymore.

I return to Him. And in that same year, JESUS appeared to me, He made Himself known to me.

And I was baptized by the Holy Spirit and fire. That’s the happiest day of my life. ❤️

In connection to that, the massacre of mostly young Israelites in the outdoor party place clearly reminds us where we should be staying especially at night.

The devil knows his target place where he will harvest what he considers his children. 🥺😔

The will of God is the safest place in the world.

Devotion Discipleship faith Healing Purity

When’s the best time to get married?

Kailan ako mag-aasawa?
Makakapag-asawa pa kaya ako?
Ano ang will sakin ni Lord?
— common questions among us.

cross Devotion end times faith Healing Obedience Purity

Victory is sure if we follow God’s voice (instruction)|Learn from prophet Samuel

Devotion Purity

A willing heart, finds reason to do.Serving God is not under contract.

Serving God is not under contract…we have to serve regardless of receiving or not a reward. A willing heart, finds reason to do. God will deal with inner life. People can see us externally, but God sees what’s inside. We should live before God because He sees the heart! (Pastora Lauren Grace Artiaga)

cross and blood of the lamb Devotion mission

It’s not enough to just receive, we must also work with our own hands to help ourselves.

Acts 17:11-12, “And the people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message.

They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth. As a result, many Jews believed, as did many of the prominent Greek women and men.”

It is important to search for truth and study the Scriptures ourselves so we won’t be carried away by false teachings of false teachers and prophets.

Listening to preachers is not enough to get our spiritual food. We must eat daily our spiritual food by reading God’s Word daily, meditating it day and night and applying them into our lives.

We’ll know the truth (JESUS) and the truth (JESUS) shall set us free. By doing, we’ll grow more maturely in our walk with God.

911 end times Healing health Love mission

Zombies are no longer fiction in America. 🥺 I pity these people. 😔

Zombies are no longer fiction in America. 🥺 I pity these people. 😔 #drugaddiction #usa #tranq #healing #deliverance #Jesus #socialissues #overdose

Only to escape from the reality of life (pain/suffering), they are slowly being eaten away by the ill effects of dangerous drugs.

cross and blood of the lamb dreams and visions judgment mission

“It’s too late…” —the worst message you’d ever receive.

Whatever a man does while still alive on earth and did not repent before he died, are the very things he’ll still do in hell. Repent while there is a chance!

faith Healing mission Psalms and Verses

Healing and growth is not one-sided. It’s a matter of accepting and cooperating with God’s power.