
Since when do we box Jesus?


It’s so fulfilling that you let God took charge of your battles especially after you learn that you can’t do it by your own strength.

What is it if you gain the whole world yet losses your soul? Not every good thing offered by the world, though it may look good, sounds good or feels good are good. In Jesus’ lifetime on this earth, He too was tempted by Satan, offered Him with riches and fame and everything the world could offer, in exchange that He would worship Satan.

Last week, I was directed by the Holy Spirit to watch a live cast prophetic word from a woman of God via YouTube channel. While watching that, I had an inner witness that God was speaking to me through her. But, because of my ambition, who else doesn’t have? I mean, selfish ambition, I ignored that voice.

So, yesterday, God had clearly spoken to me His will which is perfect than my will for myself. So how did He spoke to me? There are many ways God speaks to me: through dreams, His words, other people, and inner witness in my spirit. Since I ignored that prophetic word a week ago, He himself gave me a dream. In that dream, I went to a village occupied by poor people. I brought with me 7 boxes filled with pencils, school supplies, sanitary stuffs and others. Then, I secretly called the children one by one and distributed to them the stuffs. I didn’t want as much as possible that others would know I was doing such and such.  – End of dream.

When I woke up, I pondered. It speaks clearly to me. God is reminding me of my ministry, the tasked He assigned for me to feed the beggars on the street especially children. Since last year, I had been doing that, however since I became preoccupied with many other priorities, I halted. I thank God for reminding me of that and feel sorry for neglecting my duty as His servant. I’d been doing my own thing. I felt so ashamed, but Jesus, our Lord is gracious.

What made me stopped that ministry?

I had been ambitions, wanted to excel in my career and offered with lots of “goody things”—looks good, feels good or sounds good stuffs, without even asking God’s approval or guidance. Like I did it by myself, on my own. I push God aside. I boxed Him.

Unfortunately, these “goody things” made me lost track, away from the will of God. I even neglected the fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ. My career became my idol, yet the situations seemed not cooperating with me. I became double minded and discouraged. I lost my peace. When God spoke to me while I do my daily meditation / devotionals, about the short-course I was enrolled at and the Holy Spirit seconded for me to postpone it since it’s not yet the perfect time for it, and I myself agreed with it, that’s the time I regained my strength and peace. It’s like tons of thorns were remove from me.  Another thing was, the lifetime certificate for English teacher overseas that I was aiming for, which of course would cost me a lot of money and time from the training and practicum, was also postponed. God simply meant, “Jenny, it’s not yet time for you to work overseas since I’m not done with you yet in your own country, you still have some tasks to accomplish for Me here.”


Truly, no matter how hard we try to do our own thing, God’s Word shall prevail.

James 4:13-17 (Do Not Boast About Tomorrow) “Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.” But now you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.”

But there’s no regret since I know that my Heavenly Father loves me so much. He brought me to realization. I had been disciplined and I love that fact knowing God disciplines / corrects His legitimate children whom He loved. The rod He used was just enough for me to wake up and realize. My mind is renewed day after day through His words.

One more thing, God wants us to be promoted at work on in our chosen career, but when our motive is not right, our first enemy is God Himself.

And with regards to boxes, Jesus would want us to put some stuffs into the boxes and gave them away like what philanthropists do to the needy than us putting Jesus inside the box, locked and helpless.

READ: 2 Kings 1.

Glory to God in the highest!